
Major contribution to Node.js core!
Understanding Git Internals Let's explore some common Git commands, and dive into Git internals to understand what happens when you run Git commands. But first, let's talk about Git itself... https...
What's a good commit message? I've been seeing this question a lot. Here is what a useful commit message should be: β˜‘οΈ fix: make content readable to color blind users Avoid stating the obvious: ❌fi...
Azure Static Web Apps allows any developer to build modern web applications that are automatically published from changes made in the git repository, and much more... Here are 10 things to know to ...
I created a Windows NT/2000 theme for VS Code πŸŽ‰ https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=wassimdev.windows-nt-vscode-theme
Supercharge your builds with Bazel This is a full introduction to Bazel, the orchestration build and test tool. We will cover the concepts of Bazel such as Workspaces, Packages, and Labels, as well...
The New Era of Static Web Apps (Dutch Angular Group) The web has always been shaped by many trends and the emerging landscape has some surprises in store for us. We are currently witnessing a new e...
Demystifying UI Code Generation Bridging the gap between designers and developers. https://slides.com/wassimchegham/demystifying-ui-code-generation-angular-nation
A Look at the New Azure Static Web Apps CLI With the new Static Web Apps CLI, you can now run your entire full-stack web app locally in your development environment and access many of the platform’...
What is it that makes Angular, Angular? Is it the technical competence, the large ecosystem, or its raucous community? https://javascript-conference.com/blog/angular-one-framework/
I created the missing Web Bluetooth module for Angular πŸŽ‰ https://github.com/manekinekko/angular-web-bluetooth
This talk is an introduction to Universal (others call it Isomorphic JavaScript) support for Angular (2+). The Angular Universal project aims to add support for Server-Side Rendering to Angular app...
The introduction of NgModule was huge news for the Angular community. This new API is supposed to help the AOT compilation by providing the compilation context and generate a much lighter applicati...
In this guide, we are going to see how to take a front-end Angular app, a backend API written in Rust and compiled to Web Assembly, and deploy everything to a Serverless environment on the NEW Azur...
We are continuously improving the Azure Static Web Apps CLI. Make sure to ⭐️ and watch the project to be notified of the latest updates. https://github.com/Azure/static-web-apps-cli
In this post, I am going to try to demystify the role of a Developer Advocate by giving, this time, concrete examples of tasks and activities I do on my day-to-day job working as a Senior Developer...
4 common sorting algorithms (and their time complexity) every developer should know.
https://async-await.xyz is a short animation explaining the Async/Await concept in JavaScript.
Joined the Angular core team as an external contributor to work on the Angular CLI and rules_nodejs for Bazel.
I am excited to join the Google Developer Expert program in Angular and Web Technologies πŸŽ‰ https://developers.google.com/community/experts/directory/profile/profile-wassim-chegham
I am excited to join the Google Developer Expert program in Actions On Google πŸŽ‰ https://developers.google.com/community/experts/directory/profile/profile-wassim-chegham
I am excited to join the Google Developer Expert program in Google Cloud Platform πŸŽ‰ https://developers.google.com/community/experts/directory/profile/profile-wassim-chegham
I am excited to join the Ambassador Program at Auth0 πŸŽ‰ https://auth0.com/ambassador-program
Find libraries and packages for Angular https://ngx.tools
xLayers is an online Web application that aims to bridge the gap between designers and developers. Its mission is to allow an easily collaborative world between Designers and Developers so that the...
What happens when you type in a URL in an address bar in a browser?
The Static Web Apps CLI, also known as SWA CLI, serves as a local development tool for Azure Static Web Apps. It can: β€’ Serve static app assets, or proxy to your app dev server β€’ Serve API requests...
Let Me See, the app that won the Innovation Award at the 2016 Angular Attack hackathon, was built with Ionic 2 in 48 hours by Wassim Chegham... https://ionicframework.com/blog/built-with-ionic-2-le...